Beach & Pool Collection


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Beach & Pool Collection

  • Sale

    Better grab some of your favourite veggie dip, because we've got a lot of cucumbers coming your way!Our blankets are made from 100% fleece and 100% Am...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Can't you just smell the chocolatey goodness from there?? Our Cookies Blanket is 100% allergen-free, so everyone can enjoy a delicious classic! Our b...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Including chicken nuggets? Especially chicken nuggets. Our blankets are made from 100% fleece.We offer si...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    This cat sees everything. Including blehps. All the blehps. Our blankets are made from 100% fleece.We offer single ( 50" x 60") and cuddle (60" x 80")...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Your with your friends at a picnic and someone brings blueberries and you, not wanting to be topped, bring this blanket. Everyone sits but not blue. O...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Did you know, in Ancient Greece, amethyst crystals were thought to protect the owner from getting too drunk? While we don't recommend using our Ameth...

    $34.99 CAD
  • If you don't recognize this design you were probably born after 1995! Time to stand out on that crowded beach! (In a good way). Our One Piece Swimsuit...

    $64.99 CAD
  • Take us to your leader! The Alienz One Piece Swimsuit is a must have accessory for any alien invasion. Impress your alien overlords today! Time to sta...

    $64.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Listen, we're not even supposed to have this swimsuit; but we got it through the cracks! Made to wear to any body of water or as a bodysuit with your ...

    from $28.99 CAD $30.99 CAD
  • Sale

    We're not going to gun ya down, though we'll be sure to be dear, ya filthy animal. Have a bloody good Christmas, from Shelfies.Our blankets are made f...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    In space, astronauts eat mostly peanut butter. So does this cat, whenever it is in a jam. Our blankets are made from 100% fleece.We offer single ( 50"...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • PANDA PANDA PANDA. Our Dad Hats are made of cotton & acrylic with an adjustable back strap to fit all head sizes. Made in China....

    $11.99 CAD
  • Our dreamy Prime Minister is back, and more Canadian than ever. Whether you are riding your moose to school or just going out and aboot, let the world...

    $64.99 CAD
  • We took pictures of hundreds of pizzas (and ate them), and this is the absolute masterpiece we ended up with. The perfect ratio of cheese to toppings...

    $64.99 CAD
  • Mr. Trudeau, our country welcomes you as......sorry, where was I? Sorry, it seems I got lost in the glow of your sparkling blue eyes and perfectly pla...

    $64.99 CAD
  • Gather 'round children, and listen to the wondrous tale of the Sloth Pope. His sermons have a tendency to put people to sleep, but that's just because...

    $64.99 CAD
  • Salamba Sirsasana is the new Downward Dog - Namaste. Time to stand out on that crowded beach! (In a good way). Our One Piece Swimsuits are made of sup...

    $64.99 CAD
  • This orangutan has an attitude so take your pic and walk away...  The shirt is made of high quality polyester which allows us to achieve photorealisti...

    $34.99 CAD
  • It's almost impossible be be unhappy while looking at tie dye! If you can't choose your favourite colour, how about all of them? Our bed pillow cases...

    $34.99 CAD
  • Oh look, it's a salmon roll! And over there! A spicy tuna! It's a delicious sushi invasion! Our bed pillow cases are available in soft velveteen or mo...

    $34.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Very strange things are happening this Christmas... very strange things indeed. It might be time to consult the Christmas light and see what's going o...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Boo - scared you? This blanket will soak up any little leaks that catch you by surprise! Our blankets are made from 100% fleece.We offer single ( 50"...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • Sale

    Did you spill your ramen? Don't worry, our ramen blanket will hide the mess!Our blankets are made from 100% fleece.We offer single ( 50" x 60") and cu...

    from $62.99 CAD $69.99 CAD
  • With a pillow case this fine on your couch, every inch of your living room will be pixel perfect. Our bed pillow cases are available in soft velveteen...

    $34.99 CAD